At 6pm reach hubby ah ma hse as er jie coming to fetch us to go wedding dinner(hubby father side de) tgt. When hubby going to bath that time, he ask me to call er jie ask where is her liao? So i make a phone call to er jie, she say 5min she leaving hse le. Awhile ltr hubby bath finish already then he faster change his clothes. Jielin & San gu is inside the bedroom with hubby & me we all talk alot of thing and also helping hubby to see which clothes is nice, jielin say next next week ask me to bring them to malaysia as also muz see everyone free ma lor. Hmm is been so long i never saw ying ying already she grew up so much did mange to take picture of her as was rushing out, will get 1 of ying ying picture soon! First time hear yingying talk english to jielin wor saying, " Mummy, can i bath here? But the clothes must bring home ok"? yingying speak good english lor... =D
21 March 09 , SaturdayOnce again i saw DOUBLE RAINBOW AGAIN!
15 March 09 , Sunday
Pbs & me having BBT practice at 12plus, so i meet pbs 11:30am at clementi mrt but she late. We were so rush lor, we late for 25min ba can't reali rmb it... i juz know once we reach we reali so tired lor. After our practice tot of going to find tiff for lunch at bb but we kindly abit of lazy cum tired so end up msg her tell her we not going liao... so i and pbs go wc plaza to eat thai express, let me tel u ppl BETTER dun go wc plaza eat the THAI EXPRESS cos they cook till SUPER SUCK! we nv finish up cos reali not nice yet still cost $40plus got 3 dish. we walk all level of shop and i help pbs to take 2shot of pic, we think the background look real and is our fav colour. After walking we sit down to have ice-cream yummi yummi... I acc her walk cos i going to hubby ah ma hse, once i went up saw meiya her make up is nice lor...let me show u the pic --->

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